Letters to a friend...


A Curious Mind W(o/a)nders...- http://ayanwonders.blogspot.com/

Saturday, June 04, 2005

9 more months

Less than two weeks left for our reporting date.
And although I'm going back of my own free will to complete the remaining nine months of the course, I'm not 'really' looking forward to it.

There's a basic incompatibility betweeen the way in which the course is administered and the way in which I like learning. They use deadlines, threats, punishments and rewards, coercion, compulsions and simulated competition as the means to bring out what they think is the best in students.

The necessary prerequisite for my learning is freedom. I'm learning because I enjoy learning, and will learn the stuff that I enjoy. I do not need those external stimulants to induce me to learn, they only serve to restrict the freedom. I get my kick out of learning itself, not the marks they might fetch me in the exams or the placement they might get me nine months hence. In a constrained environment, the aim is to carve out as much time as possible for my own pursuits, surrendering minimal time and effort to the prescribed courses to just ensure that I stay afloat (or above the hygiene level). And this happens even if the pursuit matches the prescribed course; more often than not there is little co-relation between the half-baked, exam-focussed babbling in classes and my own unconstrained attempts at grasping the beauty. Had felt a similar distate in Ramaiah, got out of that place in less than 5 months and didn't much care after that; that precipitated so many other things...

And few custodians inspire confidence. I dug a little deep during the Term 3 fracas, found it murky.

It's not that I didn't enjoy the last year, but most of it was outside the official prescriptions. Over the years I've learned to find my happiness irrespective of what's going on around. And one thing is certain, the garden there is definitely beautiful, only the official way of exposing you to its beauty isn't.
And it always helps if the environment around aids, rather than bars the process.

Don't know how much I'll be able to post in the coming few days. And once I get to Lucknow the frequency of posts will anyway decrease in the absence of a computer in my room.

Take care, dear friend!


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